For les belges, the "bintje" is not just the runt of the potato litter. With it's uncompromising crunchiness, this traditional tuber is an undisputed symbol of Belgian national heritage (in a country plagued by an ongoing identity crisis).
The Wall Street Journal recently chronicled the unsteady future of this edible edifice of cultural unity, and a number of different foodie publicationshave started to spread the word about the "bintje" cause.
So why am I joining the pro-bintje masses? Because (1) bintje is just really fun to [attempt to] pronounce, (2) I have a personal connection with the french-speaking Belgians of Wallonie and (3) the bio-diversity of ingredients available to us directly affects our health, longevity and creativity. That means that our access to different varieties of an ingredient - such as the potato - provides us with a dramatic increase in nutritional benefits (not to mention varied flavors, textures and other advantages).
I do not want to live in a world where we are restricted to 4 or 5 of the most common potato varieties. The future of all heirloom potatoes - and heirloom products in general - hangs in the balance of our support of causes like that of the bintje.
...not to mention the future of our ever-curious taste buds.