catch of the day

catch of the day: cinemagraphs

Graphic designer by day, photographer by freelance - it goes without saying that my sister knows a thing or two about aesthetics.  But she's really outdone herself with this new find. Cinemagraphs, the creation of graphic artist Kevin Berg and artist Jamie Beck, crank up the quirk and the romance of a photo's "moment in time".  Still images come to life with a surreal quality that echoes the magical realism of cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel (Amélie).  The art thus becomes two-fold: not only framing a gorgeous initial photograph, but also selecting the details that are highlighted in motion.

The results are truly awe-inspiring - as breathtaking as they are innovative.  So don't be surprised if flatscreen cinemagraphs become the picture frames of the future.

To see more cinemagraphs, click here.

catch of the day: numnum chronicles

There's really nothing like a delightful little blog that doesn't take itself too seriously.  When I first heard of the NumNum Chronicles, I personally envisioned a Narnia-esque journey through an imaginary edible forest.  And well, the result of Caroline & Lisa's multi-talented musings is not too far from the mark.

Those with a penchant for paper goods will quickly be coveting their "Communal Table", while the tastespotters among us will fall for their homey, accessible-but-lustworthy photos (like the oh-so-casual "spilled" pasta).

Oh, and if you weren't already impressed enough with this duo's publishing efforts, they also run Supper Club - an enviable series of delicious evenings at the hands of some very skilled NYC culinarians.

NumNum indeed.

catch of the day : nectar & pulse

It's the eternal travel quandary: to guidebook or not to guidebook? You've tried it all, from the pocket-sized to ripping-out-pages to the iPod version.  But what if your travel guide were a hip, insightful, aesthetically engaging "soulmate", eager and willing to show you around the city?  Now that would be novel.

Luckily, Nectar & Pulse is already on it.

I came across N&P's founding duo of travelistas - Carina & Tanja - via  Their innovative approach to not only the content, but also the structure, layout, and design of a travel experience, is truly revolutionary and refreshing - especially considering the over-saturated, cluttered status quo of travel journalism.  Rather than relying on faceless Yelp! posts or TripAdvisor forums, you can pick your perfect "soulmate" to lead you around the city.  And if you find yourself chatting with this real (but imaginary to you) friend while strolling around your city of choice...well, we'll keep that fantasy of yours a secret.

Nectar & Pulse "cities" and "soulmates", available now for Stockholm, London & Vienna.